
Archive for the ‘Being True to You’ Category


How different might your life be if one of your wishes came true?

Most of us have received less than 2% of the possibilities that are available to us in the universe.

One of the reasons it takes so long to reach our dreams, to fulfil our wishes is because we are closed down. We have built walls and fortresses around us. We have closed our hearts and thrown away the key.

We must be open……… to draw it in.

There is a connection between the soul and the world. The energy of your soul and the energy of your world are woven together.

What you hold in your mind, in your heart, will be your experience.


You do not have to prove yourself to open to receive.

And when good things do come, have you said: “This is too good to be true”, “I can’t believe this is happening”, “I feel like I am dreaming” or “I can’t believe this is real.”


Allow it in. Find a space in your soul. Open.

A Meditation to help us to open to our possibilities

Find a place to be still, a place you love to be, surrounded by beauty and quiet or beautiful tunes. Close your eyes and allow your body to soften and relax, breathe in slow down, breathe out, let go.

Invite all the beauty that you have ever experienced to be present with you in this moment. Call this beauty into our soul. Allow it to fill you completely. Feel every part of your being filled with the grace of beauty. Allow it to wash over you. Feel yourself being bathed in its light. Absorb it into every part of your being. Breathe deeply in and out. Gather up the fullness of this experience. Feel beauty permeate each and every cell and open you up in ways that you never imagined. Feel it open your heart. Feel your soul expanding with possibility. Observe how every part of your being feels lighter as it opens to grace, beauty and possibility. Feel all your possibilities being drawn to you. Love. Peace. Happiness. Prosperity. Bliss. Linger in this energy for as long as you feel called to. Return to it as often as you can.

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Being True

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist” Friedrich Nietzsche

You are fluid, you change, you ebb and flow. Being true is about being in tune with your rhythm, your essence. What is true today may be different to what is true in six months time. Today your soul may lead you to the river, in six months your soul may call you to the mountaintop.

Being true is a journey, not a destination. It is an ongoing journey of listening to the story of your soul, page by page, chapter by chapter, as it unfolds in perfect time, in the perfect space for you. You will never get there. You are always moving, growing, flowing.

Being true is knowing that what is true for you, may or may not be true for others. Your dance may be the cha cha cha, their dance may be the tango. Your call may be to heal others, their call may be to make us laugh. Your soul may love the silence of the hills, their soul may love the hustle and bustle of the city.

Your life is continually unfolding. As you walk through your day let go of the reins a little, rather than controlling events or sticking to a plan that is falling apart or just plain stuck. Listen to what beckons you, then follow its call.

Trust and believe in yourself, your true self.







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So it is today that I return to my blog, the first one for 2013. This blog, this year, will be about how I and you can move to the rhythm of your true self. It has always been about being true, and this year I wish to deepen that. So I will post weekly, sometimes more, sometimes less, when it feels right that there is something to share. Sometimes time is not always on my side, however I have learnt throughout the years, to lean into the flow. A hurried life is a life where the presence of mystery is missed. If I hurry my blog, then the essence of which I wish to share will be lost. I wish it to unfold, with heart and soul. I am a writer, a teacher, a counsellor, an intuitive, an artist, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a niece and a mother. These are my roles at various times, each requires a piece of my time in the daily landscape of my life. I cherish each role. I also cherish me. For without a sense of me, I am lost, there is no sense of home. So within the daily landscape of life, I allow time to simply be me. Time to move to the rhythm of my true self.

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this brown wren

Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.

Deborah J. Brasket

Living on the Edge of the Wild


Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.


Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.

Kelly Rae Roberts

Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.

I am an age old tree. I am stars in white snow.

Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.

pia jane bijkerk

Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.

little eco footprints

Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.


Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.

Sparkling Adventures

Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.

The ManifestStation

finding stillness in motion

To Be Aware

It's all about disbelieving your thoughts


Journey into the true self, awaken your spirit, allow intuition to be your guide.